The Resource and Study Centre reflects The Registry of Sarees’ long standing commitment to enhancing the knowledge and documentation of textiles and field work. Beginning with it’s first archival collection : Khadi – The Fabric of India, and housing a more varied selection of textiles from across the country, the collections are continually being worked on. While each curatorial department retains intellectual responsibility for its own textiles, the center provides the environmental conditions necessary for the long-term preservation of these fragile works of art, as well as study and research facilities for reserachers and the general public.

The collection of textiles and sarees exhibited as Meanings, Metaphor - Hands-on and Handwoven in the 21st Century over three iterations in Chirala, Coimbatore and Bangalore in 2018 -2019 is available for public access by appointment only. If you would like to view, reference or study the collection please make an appointment on:
Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
(except for public holidays that fall on these days)
11:00 am to 1:00 pm
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
A fee of Rs 1500/- is applicable against your appointment. Students are charged a concessional rate of Rs 750/- on presentation of a valid students identity card.
A maximum of five appointments are scheduled per time slot. Your appointment will be confirmed by email.
We request visitors to arrive at the Research and Study Centre 15 minutes prior to the appointment to benefit from a general introduction to the collection. The 2 hours will include an introduction to the collection and time for the visitor to go through the sarees. Photography of the heritage and historical collections is prohibited
The Centre’s library is also open to public from Monday to Saturday (except for public holidays that fall on these days) between 11 AM - 4 PM at a nominal cost of Rs 300/- per person per visit, and for an yearly subscription of Rs 6,000/-
To reserve your appointment/ subscribe; please book online or at the centre.
Please mail contact@theregistryofsarees or call +91 70227 95003 for further assistance